Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thing 21: Free-for-all

Every week a magazine I subscribe to (titled, not shockingly, The Week) features the top apps for a random topic - "Top Apps for Shopping," "Top Apps for Travel," "Top Apps for Buying a Home," and I thought I'd check this week's list and picking from there.  But of course I forgot to do so last night.

I was kicking myself this morning, when I realized, "Hey!  I bet The Week has an app that will allow me to check their list of favorite apps!"

And lo and behold, they do.  But there isn't much to say about it, except that if you already have a subscription, you can look at current and archived editions, and download up to six issues to read offline.  Oh, and there is an excellent (IMO) Daily Briefing section that has the top "10 things you need to know today."

Since this was basically just a way to access info I already have access to, I thought I'd try a couple others. 

PC Magazine has a list of "best" apps for shopping; the second on the list (RedLaser) we'd already looked as in an earlier Thing, but the first on the list, BuyVia, was new to me.  This app allows you to compare online prices, and also use your location to give you local coupons/deals, which I found kinda cool (although if I know I'm going somewhere, I usually check their website for coupons).

I also did an incredibly unscientific survey on my colleagues' favorite apps, and found Dropbox to be pretty popular.  According to Dropbox, "Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!"

I currently use Google docs for this type of thing, but I do like the idea they Dropbox automatically uploads my photos to the cloud (never hurts to have a backup), and it seems that I should be able to easily access the files even when I'm offline.

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