Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Thing 14: Videos

My colleague Pam is always about 6 months ahead of me when it comes to technology.  And in the case of Vine, she was more than 6 months ahead.  But that means she is well-equipped to help me.

I first caught some funny footage of a coworker answering my question, "Can you say something interesting?"  (A: "Do you want to know if I'm capable of saying something interesting, or do you want me to say something interesting right now?")  And I tried to post it to my blog, but all that ever showed up was a blog post with the title and the message "Check out Katherine's post on Vine! null," but no link to the actual Vine video.

While attempting to rectify the situation, I accidentally deleted the video.  So I took another of me taking footage of my office while spinning in my chair, and had the same luck when it came to posting it to my blog; however, I could post it to FB (although I've since taken it down because without lengthy exposition re: why I posted it, it just looked weird; it can be found at https://vine.co/v/MpUunlZZEdw).

However, although I feel like Vine clips are a little on the short side for most library collections, I though maybe it would be fun to use it to showcase our the new book group bag titles (with or without voice-over) and a six-second book talk could be an interesting challenge.

Trying now...yes, a person can create a very strange (at least in my case), very brief book talk in 6 seconds.

Script:  "Monkey astronauts. Anti-gravity. Space toilets.  Mary Roach's Packing for Mars."

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