Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thing 23: Evaluate 23 Mobile Things

There were times that I was so frustrated with this project that I literally banged my head on my keyboard (see Thing 6).  I only wish it had happened after I became familiar with Vine so I could have recorded and posted the experience.

But typing right now, after reviewing all my completed Things, I find myself smiling.  And not just because I'm almost done, and not just because I'm listening to an old episode of Wits with SoundCloud...although both are factors.

Mostly I'm smiling because I realized that I've actually learned a lot in a very short time, and some of the stuff I've learned will be useful on a day-to-day basis at work and in my non-work life. I can use Lookout to locate my missing phone with a conveniently loud scream.  I can compare prices with RedLazer or yShopi.  I can promote library services in a visual format (Vine, Piktochart, Haiku). I can save photos and documents to Quickoffice or Dropbox.  I can waste time in new and interesting ways - Pinterest, Line Camera, Bubble Mania.

I was reminded that if (okay, when) I get stuck with a new technology or app, I can go to my colleagues for advice.

Finally, yes, I would absolutely participate in another 23 Things learning activity.  But I need a break to catch up on all my regular work first.

Katherine Stecher

Thing 22: Discovering Apps

There is a bit of overlap between this Thing and the previous (not shockingly), but despite the fact that I found several apps that I suspect I will use more than is good for me, I went on an mission to find even MORE apps using Quixey.

My goal: find a shopping list/task list app that is even simpler than the already-simple Springpad.

I searched Quixey for "shopping list" and got a number of results (again, not shockingly). I liked that the apps had user ratings, and the hits were listed, as far as I could tell, in order of these ratings. I ended up selecting the second on the list, myShopi, which is supposedly the most popular shopping app in Europe, for what that's worth.  Also, it works offline, so I don't need to use any of my data plan to consult my list while out and about.

Here's the description from the myShopi listing:
Create multiple shopping lists
• Add items to your list by tapping images or searching by text
• Select from a database of more than 1,000 predefined items or add your own
• Add notes, quantities or sale prices
• Track frequently purchased items for easy adding to current lists
• Share lists by email or SMS

So I downloaded it, and although you can make a list of just random items, you can also make lists for individual stores: Albertsons, Costco, Fry's, KMart, Kroger, Safeway, Sam's Club, Smith's, Target, Trader Joe's, Walmart, and Whole Foods.  Luckily, two of the three go-to stores (Costco & Trader Joe's) are included, so it was fun to make an imaginary shopping list by tapping on icons of various items - coffee, milk, sunscreen - and then adding notes re: brand, quantity, etc.

Of course, the imaginary shopping list quickly morphed into a real shopping list as I realized that I hadn't been grocery shopping this week.

I think I'll find it useful.

Thing 21: Free-for-all

Every week a magazine I subscribe to (titled, not shockingly, The Week) features the top apps for a random topic - "Top Apps for Shopping," "Top Apps for Travel," "Top Apps for Buying a Home," and I thought I'd check this week's list and picking from there.  But of course I forgot to do so last night.

I was kicking myself this morning, when I realized, "Hey!  I bet The Week has an app that will allow me to check their list of favorite apps!"

And lo and behold, they do.  But there isn't much to say about it, except that if you already have a subscription, you can look at current and archived editions, and download up to six issues to read offline.  Oh, and there is an excellent (IMO) Daily Briefing section that has the top "10 things you need to know today."

Since this was basically just a way to access info I already have access to, I thought I'd try a couple others. 

PC Magazine has a list of "best" apps for shopping; the second on the list (RedLaser) we'd already looked as in an earlier Thing, but the first on the list, BuyVia, was new to me.  This app allows you to compare online prices, and also use your location to give you local coupons/deals, which I found kinda cool (although if I know I'm going somewhere, I usually check their website for coupons).

I also did an incredibly unscientific survey on my colleagues' favorite apps, and found Dropbox to be pretty popular.  According to Dropbox, "Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!"

I currently use Google docs for this type of thing, but I do like the idea they Dropbox automatically uploads my photos to the cloud (never hurts to have a backup), and it seems that I should be able to easily access the files even when I'm offline.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thing 20: Games

Bubble Mania.  The ultimate time-waster. Worse even than Pinterest.

Actually, I shouldn't make such a proclamation when, aside from Spider Solitaire, this is the only game I've ever played on my phone.  I'm sure there are more intense games that would distract you to the degree that you'd look at the clock, and WOW!  Three hours have passed!

But I hope I never try them, because this one was bad enough.  I won't try to explain the game - the premise doesn't make sense...something about saving baby birds (?)...but apparently you can spend at least 20 minutes playing it without blinking an eye.

Or at least, I can.

Thing 19: Hobbies

I've always enjoyed, which was suggested by a colleague about 8 years ago.

As far as I can tell, it is essentially like Spotify, but a little bit more flexible when it comes to playlists.  Also, apparently a great venue for virus-catching. 

Regardless, Spotify is fairly straightforward, andI love that it offers a bio of the artist/group, and also provides tour info. It would, I think, be useful should we decide to reinstate Friday Morning Music.

In days past, staff members would volunteer to select about a half-hour's worth of music to play over the library speakers between 8:30 - when most staff arrive - and 9:00 - when the doors the the library vestibule open.  We used either burn a disc or swap cds on the library's handy-dandy boombox, but it would be soooo much easier to have a playlist on a phone or tablet. 

I made a (super-short) play list of work-appropriate songs that could be used for this purpose...
Monday Music

Monday, June 9, 2014

Thing 18: Education

This seemed like a fun Thing, so I picked some fun apps.  Specifically, the Eat This, Not That Game, and the National Archives & Records Today's Document.

First I played the Snack game on the ETNT, and discovered that yes, everything I thought was probably bad for me is actually really, really bad for me.  (Honestly, I think this game is going to be uninstalled before then end of the month.)

But the second app, the one by NARA, was very interesting.  The document of the day was the Marquis de Lafayette's Oath of Allegiance, signed before George Washington on June 9, 1778; it was surprisingly powerful to see de Lafayette's signature on a document that, while seen by me only in digital format, actually still exists.  And then I couldn't resist checking up the document for my birth date (June 19) - it was the act (signed in 1934) to establish the national archives.  Important, but decidedly less moving.

I'm not entirely certain that either of these apps will be particularly useful professionally, but they would be good for personal enrichment.  (And the latter might help me with Sunday night pub trivia. And that's not nothing.)

Thing 17: Connecting to Community

I've lived in Rochester for over 10 years, and am pretty familiar with the community and activities for non-children.  The problems I run into are when my friends/family visit with their small children, and I'm tasked with coming up with activities for the under-10s.  This is where RochesterNow and Marquee Rochester could - and will - be very useful.

For example, after consulting RochesterNow, I would have know that Frozen was the June 7 "Movie on the Peace Plaza" (free), there was a Live Eagle program at the National Eagle Center, and The Honkers played a home game on June 9 at 1:05.

After consulting Marquee Rochester for next week's events, I now know that there is a free Carillon concert next Friday, there is an exhibit at the History Center that might be of interest to the little girls in the crew, the Rochester Children's Museum has a Ball-O-Rama exhibit, and (of course) there are family story times held at the Rochester Public Library.

In other words, far more activities than the average 5-year-old could manage in one weekend.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Thing 16: Audio

SoundCloud and Me: A Love Story

Thanks to some fearless early adopters at RPL, we've done a great job embracing new technology.  Last year we - mostly others, but I helped a bit - tested LibRadio, and did what I would consider to be a great job.  (Although ultimately, for a number of reasons, our channel has been discontinued.)

The point is, we've tried audio recording on a bigger scale before, but I think the simplicity of SoundCloud might be more useful on a day-to-day basis.  I can see us recording sound clips to promote events, brief book talks (and we'd have more than 6 seconds to talk!) - maybe give staff recommendation of the best book/movie/CD of the day?!?

Anyway, as a test I recorded a brief - true! - story; it can be found at

MakerSpace | Piktochart Infographic Editor

MakerSpace | Piktochart Infographic Editor

Thing 15: Infographics

Infographics Hub

For some unknown reason, the above app was not compatible with my samsung galaxy phone ("Your device isn't compatible with this version").  I'd left my tablet at home, so I borrowed a library nook color...which didn't work either.  So forget you, Infographics Hub; on to i Visual Info Touch.

i Visual info Touch was going to charge me $1 to install, and the user ratings are a sorry 2.5 out of 5.  So forget you too, i Visual info Touch.

As a last resort, I just did an "infographic" search in Google Play and picked one that had a high user rating.  And it didn't work either.  As a post-last resort, I found one called "Piktochart" that, while the app wasn't compatible with my phone, did work on my PC.

So after all that, I thought the hard part was over.  Until I couldn't come up with a theme for my infographic.
I considered :
1.  "Huckleberry Finn v. Video Games" in support of the the late Roger Ebert...but realized I didn't know enough about video games (sorry gamers of the world) to make a logical argument.

2. Our community reading program...but wasn't inspired.

3. Life history of an author that is coming to my library (too invasive???)

4.  Sherlock Holmes: Film v. Book

5. Promote the library's new MAKERSPACE

The final idea won the day, since one design option looked already remarkably like our MakerSpace logo, and could in face be actually used in my work.

The project was fun to make, but my progress was slowed by the lack of functionality as compared to InDesign.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Thing 14: Videos

My colleague Pam is always about 6 months ahead of me when it comes to technology.  And in the case of Vine, she was more than 6 months ahead.  But that means she is well-equipped to help me.

I first caught some funny footage of a coworker answering my question, "Can you say something interesting?"  (A: "Do you want to know if I'm capable of saying something interesting, or do you want me to say something interesting right now?")  And I tried to post it to my blog, but all that ever showed up was a blog post with the title and the message "Check out Katherine's post on Vine! null," but no link to the actual Vine video.

While attempting to rectify the situation, I accidentally deleted the video.  So I took another of me taking footage of my office while spinning in my chair, and had the same luck when it came to posting it to my blog; however, I could post it to FB (although I've since taken it down because without lengthy exposition re: why I posted it, it just looked weird; it can be found at

However, although I feel like Vine clips are a little on the short side for most library collections, I though maybe it would be fun to use it to showcase our the new book group bag titles (with or without voice-over) and a six-second book talk could be an interesting challenge.

Trying now...yes, a person can create a very strange (at least in my case), very brief book talk in 6 seconds.

Script:  "Monkey astronauts. Anti-gravity. Space toilets.  Mary Roach's Packing for Mars."

Thing 13: Presentations

The Deck Slideshow Presentations had me at "does not require you to have any design skills whatsoever."

Because I have no design skills whatsoever.

But I did have some innocently weird pictures from a recent staff (mostly, anyway) party with the theme, "Prom: Recapture the Awkward."

It was easy to add images, change the background (although the majority of designs are for-fee), and add text to create something you can watch on your device or export via email, dropbox, bluetooth, etc.  My only disappointment was that there wasn't a way, or at least, not an obvious way, to upload it to the internet for everyone to view.  Wait!  I just talked to my colleague Pam about this very "Thing" and she suggested that I try Haiku Deck.  "But that's only for Apple!"  "Oh, yeah. But you can use it on your computer, too."

So, while it goes against the goals of 23 Mobile Things, I'm going to spend just a little time with Haiku. 

P.S. I like Haiku better:

Friday, May 30, 2014

Thing 12: Books, Books & More

Okay, I'm sold on Audiobooks. I'm not generally a huge fan of audiobooks (except for books read by David Sedaris or Sarah Vowell) but many times we have patrons (especially students, or parents of students) need/want audio versions of classic novels. It's easy enough to track down ebook copies of titles in the public domain - thank you, Project Gutenberg - but audiobooks aren't as readily available.

True, you have to stream the audiobook if you want free versions, so it's not great if you're going to spend a week in the Guatamelan jungle.  But otherwise, with the wide availability of wifi (easy to locate thanks to Thing 3), it's a fairly useful app.

Wattpad was also on the agenda, and it's fine.  But not nearly as Earth-shattering as Audiobooks.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thing 11: Library & Reference

My library is currently working with a web design company to completely overhaul the library homepage. One of the major points of discussion was how to either make our site completely responsive (and practical for use on all devices, regardless of screen size), or if we should stick with an unresponsive site, but create a mobile app for devices and phones.

Ultimately we went with the responsive option - we're under the illusion that it will be less work in the long run - and I can only hope it is as clean-looking as the ELM mobile site.

A few take-aways that I'll bring to the web design committee:
Our current mobile site actually isn't that bad.  But BookMyne is still just a little bit better (even w/o our library's branding.)
Make sure all databases linked to from our site are mobile-friendly.  (And if they aren't, make sure there is a note to the effect so patrons aren't frustrated.)
Put My Account at the top of the page.  That seems to be the common place for it, and let's be honest, that's what people are looking for first.
Don't use librarian-speak, especially on a mobile site. (Even down to "Location & Hours" v. "About Us."  Because then you have to ask, "What about us?")

Finally, our youth services librarians are working on a grant for the purchase of a small iPad lab, and I forwarded the following snippet from on to their committee for future reference: "If you have a fleet of iPads in your schools, consider adding the ELM website to them to make library research tools prominent and easily accessible."

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thing 10: Sharing Photos

The following quote from a mediocre sit-com represents my first memory of the cultural phenomenon that is Instagram:

"Twitter is stupid, and Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."

Having spent a decent amount of time trying out Instagram and Snapchat, I wouldn't exactly agree with that statement.  But I wouldn't exactly say I loved it, either.  They are both good for a quick "shoot and post" style of photography, and the novelty - particularly of Snapchat - is cool. 

But I can't banish stories I've heard about teens sending inappropriate selfies, assured that the image would disappear in 1 to 10 seconds, only to find out at school on Monday that the recipient took a screen shot, which he/she then forwarded on to everyone.  Everyone.

Plus, while using both, I just kept thinking, "I like Line Camera more.  A lot more.  You can do the same stuff, mostly, and there are so many more options/frames/filters...sigh."

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thing 9: Taking & Editing Photos

Tragedy.  Well, a first-world sort of tragedy.

Last week I wrote the blog post for Thing 9 after installing and playing around with Line Camera.  It was mostly me noting that this is fun tool, and I can definitely see work applications (posters, event recaps), etc., and I will never, ever , try touching up my own picture and then comparing it to the original.  Because that is a dangerous game.

Anyway, today I went to edit the blog post with my tablet, and accidentally "reverted to draft."  You wouldn't think this would be a big deal - I can't be the first person who's done it - so I quickly googled "recover blog post," and learned that you should be able to go to your browser history and find it lost posts.  So to the browser history I went...but it didn't work.

And since this exercise isn't about the finer points of blog recovery, and since I'm getting frustrated, I'm going to let. it. go.

And maybe try out Color Splurge.*

*I tried Color Splurge, and if I were a more artistic type of person it would probably become an obsession. Unfortunately, I found the ads soooo annoying I eneded up deleting the app shortly after installing it.

Thing 8: Social Media Management Tools

I rarely follow Twitter, only access LinkedIn if someone sends me a request, only look at Google+ if I accidentally click on it while checking my gmail, and typically only check facebook once a day (more if it happens to be my day to manage the library's social media posts, less if it's a weekend or I'm on vacation).

So, long story short, I'm not really the target audience for a social media aggregators.  That said, it would certainly be nice to be able to post to the library's FB and Twitter accounts simultaneously. So...Hootsuite.

First I created a HS account for my personal FB and Twitter accounts (no problems to report), and then realized that it would be more practical to create a Hootsuite account for the library accounts in order to schedule posts to Twitter and FB when I go on vacation

First, although I had to log into HS with my personal FB account, I was able to send updates just to the RPL page.  So far, so good.  Unfortunately, when I tried to add the library Twitter account, I got the error message that someone else had already created a HS account with that Twitter account (curse upon your heads, colleagues who actually finished this Thing in a timely fashion!)

So, while I can totally see how this could be useful, in reality I doubt I'll get much use from this particular app.  At least not until I can track down whoever has the HS account that allows access to the RPL Twitter account.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Thing 7: Content Saving & Sharing

Pinterest. Is. Evil.

Like many people, I have a Pinterest page that I use to collect random nonsense -- recipes, funny memes, particularly awesome Halloween costumes.  Unfortunately, I learned that you can never spend just five minutes on Pinterest; five minutes becomes fifty, and I'm left feeling foolish and drained.

Today is no exception.  However, after tearing my eyes away from a series of funny (and generally safe for work) pins, I decided, hey, time to figure out how to make this work for me.  Emphasis on work.

I'd never really thought of it as a way to collect all my bookmarks, and after my first failed attempt to "bookmark" a page that I can never remember (my work email), I realized why.  If the site you want to pin doesn't have any images (like the bare bones work email login page), you get an error message of "Oops! This site doesn't have any images to Pin."  Which is not terribly helpful.

For collecting book display ideas, or program concepts for Banned Books Week, Pinterest is a great visual tool.  I like that I can forward images easily to colleagues, and searching through various boards created by librarians was a lot of fun.  (The Goth Librarian's "Corporate Goth Wardrobe" was hilarious, although the Lusty Librarian's boards were oddly lethargic.)

Still...if you're looking to save bookmarks to access across devices, I'd recommend logging into Google Chrome.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Thing 6: Creating & Editing Docs

Since Quickoffice allows you to save documents to Google Drive and access documents that have been saved there, that is the one I decided to test drive.  Downloading the app and viewing/editing my saved documents wasn't at all difficult, and creating/saving a new document was similarly easy.

Since this seemed pretty intuitive, I decided I'd give SignNow a try, thinking it would be very helpful if, say, I need to sign my tax returns before sending them back to my tax preparer (selfish, I know, but it does tend to become a priority if, like this year, there is an issue and you are required to resubit on April 14). 

Downloading the SignNow app was not a problem, but after "signing" the test document, I spent the following 30-40 minutes in deep frustration as I tried to open an existing Google doc in SignNow.  Whenever I tried to open a document in SignNow from my email account, I was given the option to "Open in a new Window," "Save Link" and several others, but not "Preview" or "Open in a different program" as I was instructed to search for.  After the 30-40 minutes of the aforementioned frustration, I decided I'd reached the point of diminishing returns. 

However, if I can ever get a document to open in the app, I'm sure I'll like it very much.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Thing 5: Notetaking

I downloaded the Springpad app and created several practice notebooks - one for movies, one for tasks, one for quick notes, a holiday gift planner, and, of course, one for books.

Creating and maintaining the notebooks seemed pretty straightforward, although I like to include the date I read a book or watched a movie (I'm weird that way).  I tried including this information in the notes, but was not able to sort or search by this information.  But I supposed the wealth of data I CAN include (external reviews, where I saw it, what I thought of it) outweights the negatives.

I was thinking that it might also be helpful to be able to label items in my holiday gift list according to who the present is for, but after bumbling about for a little while, I did find that you can tag each gift, and search/sort by tag.

The task list could also be useful at work, except our email program currently has a task list that includes tasks I set for myself, as well as those sent to be by colleagues.  Still, this is good for stuff like "Don't forget to buy a new toothbrush."

Thing 4: Keeping Up

Flipboard was pre-loaded on my phone, so that's the one I went with. (One less decision to make.)

I stormed by way through the categories - News?  Of course.  Film? Sure.  Politics?  Don't mind if I do! - and before long I had 3 pages of the "proud to follow" (NPR, News, Politics, BBC World News) and the "slightly embarrassed I like but what the heck" (Mental Floss, Onion A.V. Club, BuzzFeed.  What I didn't find, however, in my initial browsing, was a link for books. 

So after I spent 20 minutes catching up the mining disaster in Turkey and Jennifer Lawrence's late night appearances, I did a quick search for books/reviews/etc, and promptly subscribed to the "books" feed, which had some pretty great articles from The Telegraph, HuffingtonPost, and The Guardian.  There was also an option to subscribe to "Bestsellers," (which I didn't find quite as useful), and something called "Word and Film: Intersection of books, movies and TV," which proved to be gossipy, mildly informative and a lot of fun, especially when I'm looking for book and movie display ideas.  (Ex: Last month I created a list of "Best 1940s Films," and I would have found the article Beyond Citizen Kane: Your Cinematic Guide to the 1940s very helpful.)

Only problem - too many articles, too little time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thing 3: Utilities

RedLazer Barcode & QR Scanner

I downloaded app, and was a little puzzled since didn't look exactly like descripion on 23 Mobile Things site, and i wasn't given the option to not give my location.  However, I did scan a couple of book & audiobook barcodes, and promptly got prices for same volumes online, where I might buy or check out copies locally, and "related suggestions" (which, unfortunately, were...unfortunate).  I didn't have any QR codes in close proximity, so I scanned one that I created to link to the Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter book trailer (which worked fine).

Google Goggles
Good for a laugh with my colleagues, but as far as I could tell, no more useful than just typing a search into  Google.  Wait...I just scanned some stock art on my coworker's wall, and it correctly told me the artist and name of the painting.  Now, it's a well-known painting  - Wheat Field with Cypress by Van Gogh - but still cool.

WiFi Finder
This is so much fun!  I initially thought, "Why would you need this if your phone already tells you what wifi signals are available?"  I didn't realize it would list all of the free wifi options (or a good chunk of them, anyway) in my city.

I am very fond of Firefox, and so downloaded the app for my device.  I was puzzled by the mask icon at the top of the search window, but after googling the terribly clever, "foxfire mobile app mask icon," was pleased to learn that it allows you to do private browsing (in a window opened with this, firefox doesn't keep browser history, search history, cookies, etc), which is a nice feature.

I was also curious about Opera, so downloaded that as well; we'll see if it's actually faster than Chrome or Firefox.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Thing 2: Mobile Device Tips

Because I am cheap and hate the idea of spending $80-100 month for phone service, and because I work a lot with various devices as a point person for the library OverDrive questions, I didn't really think owning a smartphone was necessary for my existence.

However...I did upgrade to a Samsung Galaxy phone, and must admit that I kind of love it.  There are a number of features that my stone age phone was lacking - such as uploading photos to FB, accessing the internet, and, erm, texting.

I appreciate the above 3 features, but had a lot of fun playing and testing several other functions mention in the video and tips/tricks.

For example, after installing Lookout Security & Antivirus, I went to and made my phone "scream." (At work.  And it's loud.)  I also downloaded the  OverDrive app, which worked well, except this particular version of the Samsung Galaxy (Galaxy S4 mini) kept shifting away from the library wifi to my data plan -- apparently our wifi, while quite strong, is considered unreliable/unstable by Samsung.

BUT, with the help of computer center staff, we found that we can MAKE it stay on the wifi by either turning off the mobile data or turning off the Auto Network Switch.  (If anyone else has the same problem, directions are below).

Finally, I had no idea my phone was tracking my eye movements with Smart Stay.  Creepy but cool.

Turning off Mobile Data will keep you from using up your data plan, but it also means you can't use the internet unless you are connected to wifi.  If that's okay with you:

Turn off Mobile Data:

From the Home screen, tap the bottom left corner menu --> Settings --> Data usage --> uncheck Mobile Data (this disallows data access over mobile network)

Turn off Auto Network switch
If you want to be on wifi as long as there is any signal, but then switch to mobile data if needed, turn off the auto network switch (this only works if the data access over the mobile network is turned on):

From the Home screen, tap bottom left menu--> Settings --> Wi-Fi -->bottom left corner menu --> Advanced --> uncheck Auto Network Switch

Monday, February 10, 2014

Thing 1

One of my personal goals for 2014 is to be less of a Luddite.  I've resisted getting an ereader or a tablet - because I love books!  books I say! - but finally purchased one and would like to make the most of it.

Professionally, although I have worked with my library's website, and currently help with our social media presence, I get nervous when I read articles with titles like "Facebook will lose 80% of users by 2017" (

I want to know what our library could/should focus on when Facebook and Twitter go the way of the dinosaur.